Count Your Chips

LAS VEGAS–There\’s been a lot of talk about dealer troubles and bad floormen at this year\’s WSOP. I\’m sure they\’re doing the best they can and will diligently re-assess all issues after the 2006 WSOP has come to a close. If not, they really should. Because the Nevada Gaming Commission may or may not be investigating.

Frisco pro Scott Levy was playing in the $1,500 PLO event a week-and-a-half ago. At dinner break, players leave the room. During that time the floor takes care of coloring up. Levy reportedly had counted his chips before he left, and upon returning found more than a fourth of his stack gone. Ouch. He balked to the floor but to no avail … and went on to cash in the tournament — splitting the last payout spot three ways. His share: $597.

Afterward, he filed a complaint with the Nevada Gaming Commission, which didn\’t like how it was left to the players to protect their own chips yet are forced to leave the room as the questionably qualified floor people fiddle with them. So on top of his winnings, he got a refund on his buy-in … a la Daniel Negreanu.

[Question for later: How many buy-ins were refunded after play began at this year\’s WSOP?]

Plenty of other players have had similar complaints about disappearing/mishandled chips. As a result, some players have begun a new ritual before various breaks … counting their chips before they leave the room, writing the total down on a piece of paper, having the dealer sign it, then leaving that \”receipt\” by their stack. Though I\’m not sure how binding all this is, it\’s not a bad idea considering how much is at stake in the main event and how much crazier the color-up process is sure to be.