Investigative Report: WSOP cash games

LAS VEGAS–So pretty much everything at the WSOP this year is an improvement. Except for the media rules … and the cash game board. Last year, if you recall, they used a fancy computer system which seemed plenty easy to read, and now is pretty much standard at all Vegas poker rooms. Yet, for whatever reason, this year they have gone back to a handwritten white board.

Another difference at the cash tables … this year the dealers can play. They have to be off-duty and out of uniform of course — they\’re not even allowed to wear white shirts. But they can play at the Rio.

I learned all this while sitting down for some $2/$5 NLHE action. Played kinda well, but made two costly mistakes: 1) failing to bet the nut flush in early position (the other guy had a jack-high flush, and the player behind him had a straight — easily coulda gotten paid off by both of them with a value bet into an already very large pot), and 2) calling an overbet on the river with 4th pair. Still, not too shabby …

Buy-in(s): $600 (2)
Cash out: $1,473
Net: +$873

Highlight: Almost re-raising one of the CardPlayer kids with two overcards … only to think better of it and muck, whereupon he revealed his flopped quads.