LAS VEGAS–Camped out in the Milwaukee\’s Best Light Garage–same comfy leather chair. But today there are no young 20something skanks hotties. Instead there is one 40something lady (previously skanky hot, presumably) who just wandered over from the Poker Kitchen, where she is doing some sort of work, I can tell by her green smock. Anyhow, as I type, she is swaying in the air conditioning, and the song playing is \”Dear Mr. Fantasy\” …
80s Rocker Lady [swaying hips and thrusting fist skyward]: All right, Traffic! Whoo!
You know the best thing about this MBL is how cold they serve it. I mean the one I\’ve got right now … ice crystals on the surface. Amazing how a few degrees of extra chill in Vegas can make a miserable beer surprisingly palatable.