LAS VEGAS–Poker Donkey has been monitoring CardPlayer and writes in with word of another pro trying to wield the hammer:
As seen at during the $1000 rebuy event.
Sat Jul 08 16:24:00 PDT 2006
Williams Flexing
After a pre-flop raise to $750, David Williams goes over the top and make it $3,000 to go. After the original raiser folds, Williams exposes 2d7d, much to the chagrin of his opponent.— maybe next time it will be offsuit!!!
Speaking of CardPlayer, kudos to Barry Shulman for cracking the whip and continuing to re-improve the new website … it\’s starting to get functional again. The green-badge CardPlayer kids, however, are continuing to be assholes. They already have better access than most of the rest of us. And their new thing … when photographers are trying to take pictures of the final table, the guys doing chip counts with their pens and notepads will move in the way of the shot. Nice move, guys. They have done it to me, Otis, Justin, Dan from PokerNews, and others.
I actually think it\’s funny — and probably would be doing the same thing if I were a young, underskilled dipshit reporter. And I am having fun needling the \”kids.\” My new get-rich strategy at the WSOP … get punched by one of them, then sue sue sue! (After all, the super-restrictive credentials say the organization any credentialed media is representing is responsible for various misbehavior.)
Until then, the CP kids are making sure they will almost never earn a hammer pin (something all the bloggers here are wearing) … so they should probably think about that the next time they glare a real writer/photographer\’s way.