This just in … a few hours ago police in San Antonio raided the home of Richard Lee — 6th place finisher in the WSOP.
Police reportedly were executing a warrant that allowed them to seize everything inside his estate in the tony Shavano Park neighborhood … because cops claim possessions inside may all be ill-gotten gains. According to a police spokesman, this was not a raid to arrest Lee, but it was part of an investigation into a \”major\” online gambling ring.
Wow wow wow.
Of all the final tableists, Richard Lee was arguably the nicest guy there. The anti-Jamie Gold. After he busted out in 6th place (winning $2.8 million), I asked him:
You\’re the only one at the final table not wearing anything from an online poker site. Why is that?
His answer:
\”I don\’t need the money, I have plenty of money, and I decided that I wasn\’t going to endorse anyone but God, my family, and San Antonio, Texas.\”
Yee-haw! I screamed on the inside. I looked over at Nolan Dalla, because he knew what I was getting at with my question, and being a Texan, he, too, likely felt the internal whoop.
Anyhow, it was an impressive statement by Lee. Supposedly the going rate to wear an online poker site\’s gear at the main event final table was $500k. (As opposed to $50k at other televised final tables.) But if what police are suspecting is true, then huh … wonder if there wasn\’t some other reason he didn\’t want to attach his name to any semblance of an online gaming site.
(Mean Gene can add another one to his entertaining POKER: CSI line-up.)