Just wanted to let you all know that I made it back safe and sound. In record time, no less. Left Las Vegas at 1:15 am PST and arrived in Dallas 8:45 pm CST — 17-and-a-half hours … and that\’s with three stops for gas, one wrong turn, and a brief photo shoot at the Hoover Dam.
ALT HED: Sunday is the Day of Getting There
There was a game a lot of us enjoyed playing in Vegas called \”Hooker or Ho?\” On the road through rural Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, interestingly enough, Deco Chic and I replaced that with \”Prison or School?\” It\’s not as easy as you might think to tell the difference.
Sorry, I couldn’t get back in time for the Lodge tourney. I miss you all. Well, all except for about 11 of you.