BREAKING NEWS! Sklansky Scores Cute Young Tail 5 years ago

Seriously, c\’mon … does this guy (right) look like a potentially predatory ephebophile to you?

So David Sklansky, author of The Theory of Poker, had a legally questionable fling with \”Saura\” … not knowing that she was a 16-year-old runaway. (Aww, that is so sweet … she just needed someone to take care of her.) Mad props to the Sklanster! I mean not for his bridging multiple generation gaps with his comforting arms and Mensa-like mental acuity, but for respecting the principles of open dialog on the internet to such an extreme that he\’s letting his own forum serve as the, er, forum for his now-legal lass to share her societally questionable Lolita story. Great for free speech/traffic!

Perhaps fueled by the historic Brandi Hawbaker / Tom \”Captain Stabbin\’\” Franklin thread, some 2+2 posters are having a field day attacking the dirty-old-pokerman du jour.

Fun related commentary at Neverwin, too, as you might expect.