Oops! Winner Declared!

Here is a summary of the responses to my Writer\’s Block post.

Jason wanted me to write about working your way up the poker ladder. This is a very good discussion for people who want to improve their game and make more money.

Gonz thought it might be interesting for me to discuss waking up next to Dan. After a violent battle with vomiting up buckets of yuukkkk, I have rejected this one.

Ed wanted some good poker stories and I will relay those to you as they happen while I’m on the road.

Karridy liked Jason’s response and asked for the same type of discussion.

Bunkousebob couldn’t wait to hear about the exhilaration I felt when winning the 2006 Pokerati Invitational. I was so excited that I took a nap on the ride home.

Short Stacked Shamus wanted me to keep him updated on the tournament trail. I will during the course of the year for the tournaments that I attend. He also wanted me to send the book to Gonz if he won. Poor Gonz.

John wanted some behind-the-scenes WPT stories. I hope to tell some of those after my trip to Reno this weekend.

The winner is Jason! Gonz, you beg too much, but you did come in second which allows you to sleep with and wake up next to Dan next week. I hope you’re happy now Dan.

The answer to Jason’s response will be written shortly, and Jason let me know where you would like me to send the book. And for all of you other cheap asses Pokerati readers, the book is available almost everywhere.