LAS VEGAS–Meanwhile, Tom is hanging on in the $2,500 HORSE event. There are 50 players left (out of 382) and 40 get paid. The Donkey Bomber He has about 25k in chips, with the average stack about 38k. I think he\’s the last man standing from his Arizona Posse, but can\’t be sure, as \”Big Robert\” Goldfarb is sometimes hard to see.
CORRECTION: Goldfarb is still alive and well, as the AZP continues to represent.
UPDATE: Schneider is on break. Lewis (Michele) is at hand-for-hand. 101 100 players left. She must\’ve successfully stolen some blinds, because she\’s got roughly the same 24k.
JC Tran, playing a few tables away in the $5,000 limit hold\’em event is taking a peculiar interest in the Fresh Princess\’ play.
UPDATE: The bubble has burst and Michele is still alive (still with 24k in chips). She\’s in the money — congrats! — and now she moves into phase 2 of her game. All the other ladies are hooting and hollering and crying and hugging. Fresh P is returning the smiles politely but is clearly focussed on what comes next. Nice job, Michele!
Meanwhile, Tom is at the bona fide bubble in his tourney, about six tables away. 41 left. He is about an average stack. Maybe a little smaller after having just folded in a 7-stud pot that started with his raising. (Or is it completing?)