Money Plays

LAS VEGAS–The most common question I hear here at the WSOP is, How many people do you think will be playing in the main event? \”Howya doin\’?\”

Fine, thanks.

So far so good. At poker itself, after five sessions of $1/$2, $1/$3, and $2/$5 … I am up $32. (A little more if you include my first try at casino Omaha.) Kinda amazing considering that comes from $2,400 in buy-ins and 16 hours of play. The maroon areas show wins or losses — and what they either add or subtract from the overall stack, represented in blue. Most of the swelling so far has come from truer gambling. Had a nice run in blackjack, hit quad aces on 25-cent video poker, and am kicking some serious ass in a who-pays-the-tab game called 1-to-1000. Chance-based bar and restaurant prop bets seem to be my strength.