A few things I\’ve noticed while perusing various coverage of this year\’s WSOP:
(1) lost in the midst of Hellmuth\’s 11th bracelet win was the second place finish of Garland\’s own, Andy Philachack. If our site covered Texas and/or local poker and had a couple of Texas correspondents in attendance, we probably would have caught that. Oh, wait. Never mind.
In any event, Andy\’s not our favorite Garland poker player, but he\’s close.
(2) I still love Richard Brodie, and I can\’t believe I missed this until today. Absurd.
(3) Caught some of the live WSOP feed from the ladies final table last night. I must say, as much negative buzz as I\’ve read regarding how ALL final tables should have audiences, not be in secret, yada, yada, it was pretty cool to watch the hole cams (with commentary) in real time. Given the fact that most of the WSOP participants are only coming in town for part of the Series and following it for the rest, that would seem to cater to their audience, no?
(4) Should have several batfaces in event #25 next Thursday, including yours truly.