The Latest: Evans “still a force”

LAS VEGAS–I swear we\’re following more people than just Josh from Dallas … but his chip stack has hardly changed. What has changed as he\’s getting closer and closer to an average stack is the player to his right … now Gus Hansen, who has a similar stack size.

UPDATE: Table changes and a couple all-ins. Read the comments below for any necessary timeline. But overall, Josh is still fine, with the same chip stack he has had for about ever.

UPDATE: From PokerNews:

John Bird Doubles Through Josh Evans

Josh Evans, playing from middle position, opened the pot for a standard raise. Action folded around to John Bird in the small blind who moved all in. Evans called and the players showed…

Evans: {4-Spades}{4-Diamonds}
Bird: {A-Spades}{10-Hearts}

The board ran out {A-Hearts}{A-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}{Q-Clubs}{3-Clubs} and John Bird doubled up to 500,000. Don\’t feel bad for Evans just yet, he is still a force with just under 2,000,000.