As testament to the notion that poker is not a partisan issue, Pete Sessions (R-TX) is not the only Republican brought onto our bandwagon … other GOP\’ers that have signed on as co-sponsors to the Wexler Bill / Skill Game Protection Act this month:
Rep. Connie Mack (R-FL)
Rep. Don Young (R-AK)
Rep. Jon Porter (R-NV)
According to the PPA\’s chief lobbyist: \”Picked up three Rs this week for Wexler, so not bad but long way to go.\”
True enough, but a good start as it seems Sessions might already be delivering on his promises as others in his party follow suit.
Semi-related … pointing out that the online poker biz is currently raking in $164-per-second, and number that could grow to $412 a second by 2011 … and as fast as the internet is growing, skill games have grown at four times that rate.