State of Dallas Poker Cases

Aces left a comment on the post below to let us know about the results of some more Dallas County poker raid prosecutions. (The state is now like 0-for-200 when it comes to getting convictions.) I have so much to say on all this, but haven\’t been able to pull it all together in a single, cogent post … and case results keep trickling in. Here\’s what Aces had to say:

Last week, Aces and Ace High cases were dropped to a Misdemeanor C, $100 fine, 3 months deferred adjudication, no probation. They did make me sign over all the cash and inventory, estimating over $50k. If you are a player and received a ticket, fight it. They will dismiss your case because they have no case. Every player who fought it, their cases never made it to trial and have been dismissed.

Yikes, didn\’t get the money back? That\’s the first time I heard of that happening — money and equipment not getting returned.

And here are some more updates from the raids on Jackie\’s
, Ace High, Aces, and Good Fellows … comments that got posted on old posts that you might have missed. As mentioned, so much more to say on all this. But until then, I just wanted to update you guys so people would know what\’s going on and could discuss whatever might merit further discourse.

Ohh, ohh … and I got an email a couple months ago from Carolyn in Corsicana:

I read where you posted that many cases of the VFW raid/bust were dismissed and they all had the same attorney. Would you please find out and let me know who this WONDERFUL attorney is? We are still waiting……………… court date gets set/put off etc. stemming from Jackie\’s.

I hope it\’s not too late to help. Frankly, I\’m willing to bet money that you ended up making out fine and/or will feel pretty terrible if you didn\’t. I know I\’ve got that attorney\’s name and contact info around here somewhere.

Does anyone else get the sense that \”sensible government\” will be a big issue in upcoming elections?