Julian in Dallas (aka the Deputy Chief of Dallas Police) writes in with official word on the anti-poker incursion into Red Men\’s:
From: Bernal, Julian
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2007 8:27 AM
To: Dan Michalski
Subject: RE: Red Men\’s bust?Search Warrant executed at 9205 Skillman, Suites 115 and 116
One arrest for Keeping a Gambling Place M/A no citations
Seizures: $17,079.00 in currency, 7 poker tables, 2 money counters, 1 laptop, assorted gambling paraphernalia
Okie-dokie … short and to the point. No name? No times? You know, I am gettin\’ the feelin\’ that some of the love between the Dep. Chief and me might be waning. Perhaps the police are tired of having to treat Pokerati like real media deploy resources when they know they\’ll get no prosecutorial assistance from the DA? I mean very interesting that there was only one arrest and NO TICKETS. Um, weak-means-strong? Something is a little off here.