While account-sharing is hardly the worst offense when it comes to poker ethics, it is in violation of Full Tilt T&C\’s for their pros. So Little, who\’s FT stock was on the rise, is now out. Stupid kid Yo, bummer dude.
When a player on Full Tilt Poker plays against and chats with a red pro on the site, it is imperative that they be able to trust that it is really the advertised pro playing the account. Given that Mr. Little violated that trust, we have decided to sever his ties to the site, and close his account.
After that, Howard Lederer reportedly sent out a memo to all the Full Tilt pros letting them know that if they ever did something similar, they would be canned immediately. Little wasn\’t part of the team when that went down, so maybe he didn\’t embrace the seriousness that Full Tilt places on its integrity. Gotta wonder if these sorts of indiscretions will occur more regularly as Full Tilt continues to sign up more and more pros. Also wonder how long Little\’s FT page will stay up online.