As you might remember from earlier in the week, the Pokerati Bowling Series (PBS) gained a little momentum. The interest of several people the masses prompted another installment last night.
The Gold Coast was the place, and players included Dan, Karridy, SNG Steve, Short-Stacked Shamus, Ryan, and Cali Jen. Mean Gene came to sweat the second game after he finished covering a tournament at the WSOP. Since it happened to be a Saturday night, we played in the disco-lighting and surround-sound of the rock-n-bowl sort of environment, and while the music was entertaining, the bowlers around us were not so educated in the etiquette of the game – bowling out of turn and using our specially-chosen balls. (Comment as you will…) Still and all, it was a fun night!
SitNGo Steve rocked the first game with a 137, and Dan, Shamus, and I lagged behind.
The boredom of watching us massacre the first game allure of being part of the PBS prompted Karridy and Ryan to join by the second game. Steve kicked our asses again, but Karridy was a close second in the end. Shamus stepped it up with three spares and hit the 101 mark; he may subsequently be missing some days at the WSOP in order to feed his new addiction.
Next event may occur sooner than you think. This is becoming somewhat of an obsession.