Poker Players: Don’t Give Us Choices!

Harrah\’s really tried this year. Not only did they expand the Poker Kitchen to include a seating area and many more food choices, but they arranged for alternate food areas for players\’ convenience.

Some of us have truly appreciated the efforts and love the choices, but the majority? Not so much.

The Poker Kitchen now offers Pizza Hut mini-pizzas, several sushi options, Capriotti\’s sandwiches, boneless chicken wings, Krispy Kreme donuts, and hot pretzels. There were also carts set up in the main hallway leading to the Amazon Room with some of those options as well. One of the unique carts in the hallway was a Java Coast set-up that offered various coffee drinks, hot tea, etc. And just down the hall was a specially established sushi kitchen that offered Asian noodle dishes and sushi on an all-you-can-eat type basis.

Java Coast has been eliminated from the tournament. The specialty coffee cart has been removed from the hallway and replaced with a sad little table with serve-yourself plain coffee and tea. Ho-hum. And the Miranda Sushi & Noodle Kitchen is working off a short stack. There have even been announcements upon releasing players for dinner breaks that if they don\’t start eating at Miranda\’s, the place will disappear. I also heard from a reliable source Dan that Miranda is only getting about 30 customers per day. Ouch.

I feel bad that Harrah\’s went through some trouble to line up more food choices for the players this year, and players haven\’t taken advantage of them as predicted. As long as sushi keeps being offered in the Poker Kitchen, I suppose I\’ll be happy.