Should Cali Jen Keep the Cat?

While Jen Newell was moving into her WSOP condo, some other folks were moving out … and from the way she tells it, they were in the process of abandoning their cat. Made her sad, because she\’s a cat lover. Well now that cat has returned to her summer-home doorstep, semi-emaciated as the Las Vegas heat begins to pick up.

She tried calling the SPCA and some other no-kill animal refuge, but to her dismay, they weren\’t open 24/7. Eventually she did find an all-night animal shelter … and now she\’s got a couple days to consider that kitty\’s future.

In my opinion, she should keep it. Even with crazy WSOP hours, cats are pretty good at taking care of themselves … leave it some food and beverage and it will return whenever it sees fit, and by some rules of animal law, it becomes yours. At that point, when the WSOP is over, she can take it back with her to Los Angeles. One additional element: Jen had been cat-sitting for some friends for several months, and when they returned to pick up their beloved kitty, she was kinda heartbroken, at least for a day or two, and her Pokerati productivity dropped to problematic levels … so with all this said, and my underlying axiomatic belief that good animals find you, not the other way around … this cat obviously wants to be with her, and whether she admits it or not, she wants to be its semi-absentee mommy … so there you have it — the decision has already been made. Keep the cat. It\’s hers. Chalk up a cute little win for California Jen at the WSOP.

But I may be biased, because I have a vested interest in having happy Pokerati contributors. So if you have any non-poker thought that I\’m sure she probably wished I didn\’t solicit, please share them here.

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