All of the tables in the PLO w/rebuys tournament are sick. The field isn\’t enormous, but it consists of so many notable players that it\’s hard to look away.
One table in particular, Table 15 in the Orange section has an impressive line-up: Robert Williamson III, Phil Hellmuth, Erick Lindgren, Erik Seidel, Sirous Jamshidi, Daniel Negreanu, and Daniel Alaei. And as I\’m typing, Alex Kravchenko was moved to that table as well.
The players are having a good time with the set-up, and it\’s a couple tables away from the spectator rail, so railbirds aren\’t hovering. Strange thing happened, though. A non-ESPN-credentialed person came up to the table with a video camera, which is typically good enough to get you and your media credential kicked out on your ass, and filmed some of the action, even commenting to the players and looking for reactions. Hellmuth started to get annoyed, and that\’s when a certain Harrah\’s big-wig came over and monitored the filming; by his mere presence, he sanctioned it.
As a few fans found their way through the tables and security to get closer to the table, they were shooed away and told to get out of the area. Yet, the rogue videographer was able to stay and continue filming for quite awhile before leaving upon obtaining the footage he desired. Interesting exception to the media rules. I\’m sure there was a good reason…