Tom and Russians vs. the Vegas Pros

Tom\’s continues to be on a tournament tear — having cashed for his 5th time in 2008 this weekend by finishing in 10th place in the $1,500 Razz event to bring him close to even for the WSOP so far! (He got busted by Archie Karas, holding the nuts.)

This cash ties him with some new Russian guy — sorry, haven\’t yet figured out who\’s who amongst the New Red Army (\”Wolverines!\”), but I know it\’s not Alex Kravchenko — for most ITM (in the money) finishes … and puts him on pace to threaten the record of eight. From Nolan Dalla\’s official updates (sent out before the conclusion of Razz):

Through the conclusion of Event #23, only one player has cashed five times to date Nikolay Evdakov, from Moscow. Evdakov is in serious contention to challenge the record set for \”Most WSOP Cashes in a Single Year,\” shared by four players — Michael Binger (2007), Chad Brown (2007), Phil Hellmuth, Jr. (2006), and Humberto Brenes (2006), with eight in-the-money strikes.

That\’s kinda fun, no? Because the most overblogged pro of the Series clearly knows his way around different events, he did a quick hallway interview with PokerNews while on break after busting out Doyle Brunson en route to crossing the money bubble in the $3k HORSE event.

Longtime Tom fans — Karridy and Angry Julie especially — will love the ending, and Tom\’s face during it.