What\’s happening at the WSOP while some people can\’t wait to turn 21 to play in Vegas. For those unfamiliar with Ozzy87, his name is Aurangzeb Sheikh, he made a WPT final table at 18, and has had previous issues with the law.
The noon $1,500 NL tournament drew a field of 2,706 with about half of that number remaining after just over 3 hours. Early chip leaders include Justin Bonomo, Jean-Robert Bellande and David Benyamine.
The $5,000 PLO w/rebuys event started shortly after 5pm, way too early for any real action at the time of this post.
Final table action:
The $2,000 NL Holdem final table has played just under 50 hands, but they\’re already down to 4. David Steicke and Blair Hinkle are almost tied for first, while Daniel O\’Brien and Mark Brockington are 3rd and 4th.
The $2,500 PL Holdem/PL Omaha final table has 7 remaining, with Kyle Kloeckner and Allen Cunningham the top 2.
Day 2 action:
The $10,000 NL Holdem Heads-Up World Championship is down to 16, and they\’ll start the next round at 7pm. Among those moving on include Michael and Robert Mizrachi, Lyle Berman, Vanessa Selbst, Brandon Adams and Kenny Tran.
The $1,500 Razz event has just under 70 left. Tom Schneider appears to be in the top 5 at this time, just getting tangled with Shawn Sheikhan in a large pot, with the DonkeyBomber taking it down. Others remaining include David Levi, Archie Karas, Andy Bloch and Ted Lawson.
One last update at about 9pm PT (or whenever I get around to it)…