More on South Texas Poker Raid

Here\’s a video of the bust in Mission, TX … clearly a residential home with a weekly tourney that may or may not shoulda been shut down. (Don\’t shoot me for saying this, but I gotta think the non-poker residents have a case to be made on parking issues alone.) The news report does not mention, however, that one of the organizers is apparently an assistant principal, which adds to the local hubbub, but of course makes no difference in whatever case will eventually be plead down to a micro-misdemeanor as the cops enjoy the fruits of their confiscated cash.

Also, notice the weakness of the quotes this TV reporter had to choose from when it comes to getting that \”other\” side of the story, the part where residents now feel safer because the dastardly gamblers have been quelled. (I also love how you can still hear the chips clicking even a few seconds after the police break in.)