[Name Deleted] Proves NL 2-7 Single-Draw/WCOOP Prowess

Well whaddya know … Pokerati fave [name deleted] still plays poker … and last night he (\”luvgamble\”) won WCOOP event #24: $530 NL 2-7 Single Draw. (Which really is the best psychology-based poker game of all.)

308 runners, 49 in the money. First Place paid a nice $42k … glad to see [name deleted] finally book a noticeable win in 2008, which will make me feel better taking a chunk of it in our presidential election wager.

The one unfortunate thing … [name deleted] always liked to play anonymously, and wouldn\’t even tell me his PokerStars screen name for fear that I\’d publicize it. But now, as it goes in poker because I have no conscience he actually won a semi-public event, I get to out him, and the \”Shmonkey Shmomber\” is stuck playing a Googleable screen name into perpetuity. Ha ha, er, I mean congrats!

Other notable money finishers with trackable screen names:

newhizzle – Mark Newhouse
Bill Chen – Bill Chen
GavinGriffin – Gavin Griffin
KidPoker – Daniel Negreanu
BeL0WaB0Ve – Kevin Saul