Governor Steve Beshear\’s attempt to seize 141 gaming-related domain names is certainly not over in Kentucky. The Franklin County Circuit Court will hold its next hearing on the case on Tuesday, so the PPA is working with other organizations to hold a summit on Monday to put rational heads together and devise a plan to save online poker.
The emergency summit is actually being called by the Bluegrass Institute, an independent research and educational institution seeking free market solutions to Kentucky\’s problems. The Bluegrass Institute will be joined by the Poker Players Alliance (PPA), Internet Commerce Association, Interactive Media Entertainment & Gaming Association (iMEGA), and Americans for Tax Reform.
When: Monday, October 6th at 1pm
Where: Capital Plaza Hotel in Frankfort, 405 Wilkinson Blvd
According to the PPA\’s press release, the purpose of the summit will be as follows:
While the primary focus of the state’s action is online poker, the ramifications extend much farther into the entire realm of online commerce. This is a matter of the gravest importance, and the Bluegrass Institute is urging anyone with an interest in protecting internet freedom to join the protest against this egregious action.
Does Kentucky have jurisdiction to seize these domain names? What are the national and international ramifications should Kentucky succeed in this seizure order? What threat does this action make to the future of internet freedom and technological innovation? Do domain names fit the Kentucky statutorily definition of a gambling device?