Pro Blog Props

If you haven\’t voted a few times already, there\’s a poll right over there ( –> ) asking you what\’s your favorite poker blog by a bona fide poker pro. Daniel Negreanu is running away with it, as he probably should be. My personal fave: Doyle Brunson\’s blog.

Not only do I enjoy the Doylism of the Day, but also, Big Poppa can write! In his most recent post, he explains why having backed John McCain doesn\’t make him anti-poker any more than it makes him a racist:

First, I’m about as far away from being a racist as you can get. I’ve had black friends all my life, and I mean really good friends. That was back before it was fashionable to have blacks as friends.

Hmm, that might be a dig at anyone like me who has specifically been courting black girls, thinking interracial intercourse is about to become all the rage (just kidding LaTasjia — you\’re still my #1 shorty). But seriously … check it out — not only does Doyle\’s blog have other good blogstuff such as a relatively personal Flickr gallery, but also he was able to make a solid point for voting McCain in four paragrafs that neither Tom nor my dad could do in four weeks of email manifestos and belligerent phone calls. It\’s the kinda writing I\’ve grown to expect from Brunson, who clearly has refined his skills in the 36 years since authoring Super/System.

Another pretty good one comes from Annette 15. Even though the Michelle Wie of Poker (?) says she\’s really more of a forum girl, Annette Obrestad\’s blog (added to the poll by a reader) is filled with worthwhile reads from a young pro making her way through the high-stakes world, live and online. I really dug her post introducing \”set mining\” to me (the phrase, if not the concept), with a simple, straightforward math-based explanation of when it\’s worth seeing if you\’re pocket pair can trip up.

Anyhow, just a couple that I\’ve found worth the clicks and eyeball time, and possibly a few votes.