Vanessa Rousso’s Chips Will Be on Display in Sports Illustrated

Vanessa Rousso announced on her inaugural video blog on January 4th that she will be taking part in a photo shoot for Sports Illustrated. Evidently, the magazine has this little thing called the \”Swimsuit Edition\” that is popular in some circles.

\”It\’s my first bikini shoot, so I\’m a little traumatized about that,\” Vanessa said. \”Let\’s just hope it goes well.\” She noted that she had taken a recent break from poker to maintain a strict diet and workout regimen in preparation for the photo shoot, but she\’s back to the poker circuit now and feels refreshed. (I know, blah blah, poker tournaments.)

Personally, I\’m not always in favor of female poker players doing the \”spread,\” but I have to believe that Vanessa will do this with class and bring some major positive attention to poker in the process.