2009 Venetian Deep Stack 3

This just in over the transom … from our wifi providers at the Venetian … and sure enough, this scheduled skill-based series will be competing directly with the WSOP:

We are pleased to announce The Venetian Poker Room’s Deep Stack Extravaganza III schedule is now available. I have attached it to this email for your convenience however for future reference it can be found online at http://venetian.com/Pages.aspx?id=2451. In addition to the DSE III schedule, you’ll also notice that our April DSE II schedule is available as well as the winners from our DSE I tournament held in February 2009. A couple things of note for our DSE III:

Dates of Tournament: June1 to July 15
Starting Chip Counts:

  • $225 NLH Shootout: 1,500, no additional chips available
  • $330 NLH and $550 PLO: 10,000, 2,000 additional with optional $10 staff bonus
  • $550 NLH and $1,070 NLH: 12,500, 2,500 additional with optional $10 staff bonus
  • $550 Omaha 8/B and  $550 H.O.R.S.E: 8,000, 2,000 additional with optional $10 staff bonus
  • $1,590 and $2,000 NLH: 15,000, 5,000 additional with optional $10 staff bonus
  • $5,000  NLH Main Event: 20,000, 5,000 additional with optional $10 staff bonus
  • Super Satellite: $4,000, no additional chips available

Table Count: The Venetian Poker Room will be expanding to 89 tables to accommodate our rapidly growing player base
Registration: Begins at 9 p.m. the day prior to of each event
Event Start Times: No-Limit Tournaments begin at 12 p.m. The Omaha 8/B, H.O.R.S.E. and the PLO Tournaments start at 4PM. See poker room tournament staff for super satellite start times.
Best Overall Points Winners: 1/2 of one percent will be withheld from all Deep Stack III tournament prize pools for Best Overall Points Winners. 10 players will be awarded Best Overall Player prizes. All awards will be paid in casino chips.