This week Annie Duke and friends are trying to sell wedding dresses. Not sure who it was that bought one from her, but all it took was a simple phone call to get someone to pony up a \”main event\”. And with that, the non-poker world was introduced to some poker jargon and an example of how it can apply in their everyday lives:
\”main event\” = $10,000
Who knew!?! I mean we did, but now we can expect Joe the Non-poker-playing Plumbers everywhere to be saying things like, \”I got in a little fender bender and my lawyer got me a main event\’s worth of repairs!\” or \”Did you see that guy on Price is Right, Darryl? He spun that wheel and landed on a dollar to win a main event!\”
Awesome … go poker! Will be curious, though, to see if Annie Duke will be backing half the field in this year\’s WSOP main event.
UPDATE: It was Perry Friedman (and his bride-to-be) who made a main event charitable donation in exchange for a bridal gown.
MORE UPDATE: I am now much more likely to read Annie\’s blog on Mondays than I was before.