NHUPC Field Whittling, Being Whittled

Crap, one of my final four picks is already out. Erik Seidel. I so almost went the other way with that one, too.

Otherwise, all is well in my bracket. Got the 4 3 other matches right — Farha d. Cunningham, Eastgate d. Bloch, Lindgren d. Lederer, Elezra d. Chan. Alas, we will not be seeing Gowen vs. Lederer deep, which Ali Nejad reminded us yesterday woulda been great for poker, because it probably woulda been followed on Court TV.

CORRECTION: I guess I changed my pick on Chan vs. Elezra / didn\’t go with my gut. Of course Eli was gonna win.

If you wanna follow a little more play-by-play, take your pick:

And it\’s still not too late to get in on the bracket-picking action … though points scored on matches already started won\’t count in the end. We\’re doing this with our forum friends at PokerRoad. Show who\’s boss.

UPDATE: Yang defeats Gowen! Boo Jerry Yang! Makin\’ us rankers eat it!