As we know, HB 222 actually isn\’t up for a vote until next week … but it\’s looking strong. Here\’s The Dallas Morning News\’ take on yesterday\’s meeting:
Texas Poker Players Willing to Ante Up Tax Money for Legalization
As is always the case in these mainstream media stories, check the comments for a pulse of the people. In this situation, so far, there are 14 comments supporting the bill (with 41 thumbs-ups), and 0 against (with 1 thumbs-down).
Could this thing be any more obvious? It\’s a big matter of technicalities and lobbying and money and stuff at this point — along with some political infighting between proponents of the bigger casino bill and a horse-racing slot machine bill (which has been unsuccessfully fought for for about, oh, like 12 years now?). For good measure, Jose Menendez did extend an olive branch to the horse-track people Wednesday, letting them know that poker is indeed happy to help their bottom line — and you can look at other states where bringing poker rooms into the race tracks to get a sense of the many millions they do bring in.
That\’s all good and cool — go horse-track poker! — but at the same time, why does politics have to be so hard (and expensive)? I\’ve got a solution that should save everyone time and money, and could fit easily on just about any ballot for anything:
Poker in Texas
- Yes
- No
Isn\’t politics at least in part about representing the will of the people? Because we already clearly know the answer to the above question.