The World Series of Poker has released the rules for their 2009 event. There\’s a couple of interesting changes from last year that will be interesting to see how they are enforced.
36. Harrah’s prohibits the use of obscene or foul language in any public area of the casino at any time. Any player who uses such language or makes a foul, profane, obscene or vulgar statement, or speaks abusively or in an intimidating manner to another player, a dealer or a Tournament staff member, will be penalized. These penalties will be levied based on Rules 31, 52 and 53.
Compare that to last year\’s rule:
35. Any player who directs any profane and/or abusive language at another player, dealer or tournament staff member or who makes any profane and/or abusive comments about another player, dealer or tournament staff member will be penalized in accordance with Rules No. 31 and/or 51. In particular, the use of the so-called \”f-bomb\” and \”c-bomb\” as well as derivatives of those and similarly offensive terms, will subject the offending player to penalties if they are directed at or refer to another player, dealer, staff member, patron or official of Harrah\’s or the WSOP. In Harrah’s sole and absolute discretion, it may impose at any time a zero-tolerance policy for profane language whether directed at another person or not.
The other rule change that stands out is the following:
43. Tournament participants may wear apparel with multiple logos, patches or promotional language. However, no individual logo, patch or block of promotional language is to be larger than 12 square inches. Temporary tattoos, adhesive strips for the skin, and \”band-aids\” with logos or promotional language are not permitted at any time.
A. No single company name or brand or affiliated and similar name or brand is to be represented more than once on any individual article of clothing.
B. During all Events taped for television coverage:
i. No more than three (3) players at the Final Table — and all other tables featured for television coverage — will be allowed to wear apparel with logos, patches or promotional language from the same entity.
ii. Should there be more than three (3) players representing the same entity at the start of a televised Final or feature table — and those players can not agree which player will remove or cover their logos for the common entity — a WSOP official will draw high-card prior to the start of play to determine which players will be allowed to wear the logos of the common entity. After the draw of high-card, the affected player(s) must either cover the relevant logo(s) or change their apparel.
iii. Under no circumstance may players seated at televised Final or Feature add logos, patches or promotional language to their apparel after the beginning of that day’s session of play.
This rule appears to mirror what the World Poker Tour has done in terms of limiting the number of sponsors per TV table, so there won\’t be a return of the \”PokerStars Six\” at this year\’s November Nine.
They\’re also appearing to be proactive on the Band-Aid, adhesive strip and temporary tattoo trend that some college athletes have done (without the sponsorship of course).
Let the debate begin.