Doyle Brunson is on the grid, that\’s for sure. In his latest blog post, which I read via Facebook, he tells us he\’s really getting into Twitter.
And then, back to his blog, he explains to all the Teabaggers out there why he thinks they should STFU!
I headed over to my CPA to get my taxes done and ran into a traffic jam. Hundreds of people were blocking the streets having what they called atea party. I think they were protesting the current financial crisis our nation is going through, but some of the signs were ridiculous. Impeach Obama, What comes after trillions, Stop spending our money and other statements blaming our president. For Pete’s sake, let’s give the guy a chance to straighten this mess up. I got a lot of heat for voting for McCain, but I knew when I cast a late vote, John didn’t have a chance to win. I was just being loyal to the Republican Party. But now that the nation has spoken that they wanted Obama, we should all support him.