Ex-Party Chief to Head Up New Harrah’s/WSOP Web Operation

Mitch Garber, soon-to-be overlord of WSOP.com?

A small story in the London Times that\’s actually kinda a big deal in the world of poker news:

Harrah\’s has formed a new company that will oversee its web operations AND the World Series of Poker. The person who will reportedly be at the helm of this new major poker entity: Dan Michalski of Pokerati.com! Mitch Garber, former CEO of Party Gaming.

Meanwhile, with Party\’s non-prosecution agreements with the US DOJ now in place, details are emerging about conscious efforts made by at least one online poker company to circumvent the obstacles of gray grey US law:

Unmasked -how gaming group hid illegal US bets

Great, now the dot-net secret is out …