Air Force One just landed at McCarren airport. The President is headed to Caesar\’s Palace, for apparently what is a semi-controversial \”junket\” fundraiser for Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV). We can not, however, confirm the rumor that he is in town to give the WSOP Stimulus tourney a $1 trillion overlay, nor that he plans to satellite into a Venetian Deep Stacks event.
Poker players arriving in town for the WSOP (via delayed flights) are twittering about it.
LOL: Evelyn Ng and Erica Schoenberg just got done with their bikini photo shoot (with Tiffany Michelle) for Knockout magazine, and they\’re all pissy about being stuck in traffic on the Strip — presumably unaware of why things are extra-congested on a Tuesday afternoon.
UPDATE: @JeffreyPollack is off to meet @BarackObama right now. Pre-emptive conclusion: good for poker!
UPDATE: President now headed to the Caesar\’s Palace poker room. (Seriously.) via @Andy_Bloch.