BREAKING: Somebody Challenges Somebody to Heads-Up

This just in over the poker transom:

Nicole Sullivan’s Poker Skills Tested
HollywoodPoker Celebrity Player Nicole Sullivan Challenged to a Head’s Up Game by a German Fan

A german fan! I won\’t waste your time with the rest of the press release, but it did make me lol while shaking my head, because I had no idea who Nicole Sullivan was … yet it does deserve more ink that Mike Sexton faux challenge to Paris Hilton that may or may not have something to do with charity … But in this case … Nicole Sullivan … we\’re talking the girl who played Holly the dog walker on King of Queens.

Durrr challenge Durrr shmallenge!

UPDATE: OK, I have to give you a little more because it\’s funny … and I think I kinda get it now:

A gracious Nicole had this to say about the bout, “HollywoodPoker is the fix that a poker-loving mother of two needs. I put the little ones to bed, pour a glass of wine and have a little fun. Low stakes, high entertainment!”

Nicole currently stars as Rita Clemens on Lifetime TV’s original sitcom Rita Rocks as an overworked wife and mother who forms a garage band in the middle of a full-blown identity crisis.

You can\’t make this stuff up! Reminds me of the Chicken of the Sea ads on Celebrity Apprentice. And really, it\’s hard to poo-poo any efforts to bring more wine-drinky moms into poker.