Celebrity Apprenticize Your Twitter

Annie Duke vs. Joan Rivers tonight … (getting underway live … we West Coasters have to wait a bit). I\’m still not sure whether or not they\’ve already done their task … my guess is they have, so tonight, \”live\”, is the final boardroom. Either way, @TexDolly is having fun coming up with some \”Boo Joan!\” doozies:

Joan Rivers got trapped on an escalator. The power went out,
12:45 PM May 8th from web

Joan Rivers has a concussion. She was getting a drink and the toilet seat fell on her head.12:27 PM May 9th from web

Meanwhile, you can follow Annie (@RealAnnieDuke), and probably even better, her boyfriend (@JoeUgly), before-during-after tonight\’s finale. Likewise for @JoanRivers___.

Others on-set or nearby:
@CelebApprentice (@MelRivers and @brandenroderick got the official tweeting gigs)