DC Charity Poker

Cool event went down this week in Washington DC — a fundraiser for Put a Bad Beat on Cancer, where a bunch of politicos got together with Team Full Tilt Howard Lederer, Phil Gordon, and Rafe Furst to experience the joys of getting beginner poker lessons and playing in a terrible an exciting, luck-friendly blind-structure tournament (with rebuys!) … all for a good cause.

My observations:

  • Had Rep. James McGovern (D-MA) read Joe Navarro, he\’d know that we know he\’s probably not being truthful when he says he\’s happy to be there … unless, of course, that\’s just his baseline response.
  • Multiple politicians admit to experimenting with poker \”when I was in college.\”
  • Barney Frank (D-MA) says he doesn\’t play poker because he doesn\’t enjoy it … but that doesn\’t stop him from wanting to \”repeal the foolish law that makes it illegal for people who want to gamble to gamble over the internet.\” (So we can say \”illegal\” now?)
  • Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) gets credited with having the best poker face … and I hope state legislators back home take note that even some gray-haired, vote-conscious conservatives are totally cool with poker.
  • Nice closing line by Lederer about politics being just another form of poker.