Football vs. Football

Semi-related to poker … was working on a post over at Soccerati (our baby brother site), about how an online gambling op ( has come in to buy up the jersey space on two English Premier League teams. It just seems kinda funny to me — considering that the NFL is so anti-online gambling, and the EPL is so pro. Soccer in general seems to have totally embraced the online gambling biz. Such a clear distinction between American football and European football.

In fact … check this out … you have very major teams across the pond (and a few minor ones) that have direct links and betting pages on their official sites. The Spurs, for example, are supposedly working with their sponsor Mansion to develop a Tottenham skin, and already host weekly freerolls for game tickets.

The people making money off Peyton Manning jerseys hate online poker; meanwhile the other kind of football teams proudly support it — or are being supported by it.

Now you know I\’m not much of a boycotter — really, I generally think they\’re stupid and ineffective — but it does occur to irk me how much \”free advertising\” poker players give NFL teams by wearing their jerseys. Considering that American football gives nothing back to poker, and in fact subtracts from it … maybe it might be time for poker players to hang up their lucky Tony Romo jerseys, ya know? Just sayin\’ … all it takes is watching a little soccer to realize how wearing any NFL promotion at the WSOP wouldn\’t be too different from wearing a Bill Frist or Jim Leach campaign button un-ironically.