How to Defeat a Ready-to-Pass Bill: Lie

What we’re really up against

I swear this won\’t tilt anybody … but here\’s the alert sent out Thursday by Texans Against Gambling to generate enough support for a change of course that, frankly, I still don\’t fully understand.

Via the fair-minded, conservative Off the Kuff …

TAG lies have been boldfaced:

Statement from Texans Against Gambling:
Weston Ware, legislative director for Texans Against Gambling, issued this statement today regarding House Bill 222, which legalizes poker, including electronic poker, in Texas. The bill was voted out of Calendars Committee on Thursday and will be scheduled for a floor vote.

This bill is not about legalizing poker games with friends around the kitchen table. It is a ploy by the pro-gambling industry to crack Texas constitutional ban against gambling by making the absurd argument that poker is not a game of chance, but of skill.

The next time someone uses their skill as a player to get dealt three-of-a-kind, call me.

HB 222, among other things, would allow electronic poker tables to operate 24/7 in bars and restaurants. These Class III gambling devices mimic the addictive qualities of slot machines based on the speed of play (a good player can go through as many as 12 hands a minute).They have the ability to keep players playing (many video-poker outlets are open 24 hours and it’s not unusual to hear of someone’s playing 36 hours straight). Also, the machines are designed to create the false perception that skill is involved in what is ultimately a game of chance.

HB 222 flirts recklessly with federal law that says very clearly that if Texas legalizes any type of Class III gambling, the three federally-recognized Indian tribes in Texas may move full tilt into casino gambling Federally recognized tribes from Oklahoma and other states also are poised to leverage historical properties in Texas if House Bill 222 passes and Class III games are authorized.

HB 222 does not limit the amount of the wagers for any poker game. It can be a million dollars, or more. The collections for the state of Texas in this bill, however, are limited to only 18% of a $4 charge per game; only 90 cents per player even if the wagers are a million dollars. By contrast, the Lottery of Texas yields 28 cents for EVERY DOLLAR Wagered: a million dollars wagered in the Lottery would yield $280,000 for Texas. Four players wagering a million dollars in poker game in HB 222 would yield $3.60 for the state of Texas.

As it is written, HB 222 claims Indian casinos offering poker can be taxed. The Department of the Interior has generally prohibited such taxation. Therefore, Texas would not have the ability to either tax or regulate these gambling enterprises. Do we really want such untouchable cash-based businesses operating alongside drug cartels on our borders?

HB 222 is a pay-back to the gambling lobby for $7.6 million in donations in 2008. But it’s a stab in the back to Texas citizens who look to their elected representatives for sound decisions about Texas future. Lawmakers should vote no on HB 222.

TAG is a non-partisan coalition of public policy, political, religious and law enforcement groups that oppose the expansion of predatory gambling in Texas. For more information, go to

Mr. Weston Ware … though previously I didn\’t want you to know what we had going on at Pokerati, I hope you do see this post … because I\’ll be honest dude — I wanna punch you in the fuckin\’ face! I\’d really like to sit down with you and have a talk.

I\’m really curious if you were aware of how many mistruths are in your statement — because either you were flat-out consciously lying — or you were not … in which case, when someone can show you irrefutable proof that your alert has some mistakes in it, it should be no problem for you to correct the record and let your followers know that, oops, turns out this bill would not put poker in bars and restaurants — this was a compromise the poker side worked out with your people … did you not get the memo? — and that the Class III gaming machines argument doesn\’t really hold water because, you know, if the Heads-Up Pro is a Class III gaming device, then so is Golden Tee.

You also have a mistaken understanding of how the rake works … That\’s a little more understandable, because it can be confusing if you don\’t play. I\’d be happy to clarify.

I\’ll save the rest for our phone call … you want me to call you right, about that three-of-a-kind thing? I tried to a phone number for your organization on your website, but couldn\’t … so I sent you my info. Look forward to hearing from you soon.