Layne Flack to Referee Boeree vs. Castillo?

Though one side is telling us this fight is running into troubles — Nevada Boxing Commission — I wouldn\’t be surprised if they have it worked out by July 1. It reminds me a lot of what the topless pools in Las Vegas had to go through before opening … there often was a mad scramble and some delay while they paid for their regulatory rubber stamp got their paperwork in order. (Something we probably all should remember as we plea for online poker regulation — with regulation of \”vice\” comes a lot of ass pains.)

Anyhow, yes, the staged, sweaty Liv Boeree vs. Melissa Castillo violence is still on … And Layne Flack says he\’s been asked to be the guy in the ring keeping everything in the PokerNews/UB reunification LoveFest clean. Says @back2backflack about the potential gig: \”Next to being a pimp, [this is] a great job opportunity.\”

I kinda like the ridiculousness of it and would certainly stop and watch if I happened to be passing by a contrived Boeree vs. Castillo brawl. And ever since The Real Deal closed, poker seems to have been lacking a little Théâtre de l\’Absurde.