Ahh, should be a fun test to see how this plays out. Jeffrey Pollack is to address the mob shortly. From @TaoPauly:
Commissioner Pollack will address the disgruntled players at the Poker Palooza at 2:30pm.
Correction… Antonius is in the field according to ESPN. Lindgren at feature table. Eastgate at secondary table.
Lots of conflicting reports of favoritism. Sully Erna got in now & players in the Diamond Registration line were told to return at 3pm.
I can\’t see how anyone could/should be shocked if Diamond players get first dibs. That\’s kinda how casinos work, no? When I had Fawcett\’s Diamond parking pass, I could get valet parking even when they said \”valet full\”.
But still … Pollack conceivably bidding farewell to at least a few customers for life, via @JoeSebok: