Two Months. Two Million. Update

The folks at G4 have put out some revised bios (below) on the stars of the online-poker-geek reality TV show, which debuts this Sunday (9 pm ET/PT) and runs for 10 weeks.

Wow, so that\’s a lot of new poker on TV. Seriously — 2005 again? At least the shows are getting a bit creative and trying new approaches. But will some of this appeal to the non-poker masses, or will they get just downright sick of our kind?

Let\’s see, we\’re gonna have:

Two Months. Two Million.
2009 WSOP
Face the Ace
Inside Deal (online)
Tiffany Michelle/Maria Ho on The Amazing Race
How\’d You Get So Rich (single episode)
Sam\’s Game (online)

High Stakes Poker?
Poker After Dark?

Are we forgetting anything? Seems like we might be do for a new poll on which Poker TV sucks and which doesn\’t. I give 2M2MM a 62 percent chance of being OK or better:

Brian aka “Flawless_Victory”
Flawless_victory, also known as 26-year-old Brian, learned how to play Texas hold ‘em when he was 19. A month later, he was playing poker professionally and making a living at it. Brian is the fast-talking, Porsche-driving/Prada-clad elder statesman in this series, who serves as both friend and mentor to the three other guys. A very creative and progressive No Limit player, Brian heads into this summer hoping to add to his considerable fortune and wardrobe.

Jason aka “pr1nnyraid” aka “Krantz”
Infatuated with No Limit Texas Hold ‘em since the age of 12, Krantz was once a waiter, mouse-pad cutter, tent cleaner, toy-shelver, freelance writer, legal assistant and gas pumper. Now this 25-year-old has found his calling as a professional online poker player, a title he secured four years ago. Feared throughout the world for his relentless aggression and ingenuity at the tables, Krantz is the Founder and Creative Director of a poker training community called, and was the biggest winner in online No Limit cash games for 2007-2008.

Emil aka “whitelime”
After graduating from New York University with a degree in finance and statistics, Emil decided to hold off from hitting the working world and devote himself full-time to the hobby of poker he played while a student. Within a few months of logging into his first virtual card room, “whitelime” has become one of the most consistent winners online at the highest stakes games available. Emil has netted over a million dollars in profit during his short poker career. He also finished second place in the $25,000 buy in Full Tilt Heads-Up Championship where he earned $320,000. He attributes his success to a great grasp of statistics and game theory.

Dani aka “Ansky”
Dani grew up in New York City playing soccer and baseball every weekend, which is where he developed the competitive spirit that he attributes his poker success to – he always had a desire to outperform and outwit his peers. Despite being away from home and living it up in Las Vegas, this is really a business trip, and Dani takes his work very seriously. He started his career as a tournament poker player, but quickly realized that he had a better future as a cash game player. Like so many before him, it all started with a five dollar deposit which he built in to a bankroll that allows him to play some of the highest stakes games available against some of the best players in the world. The last few months of poker haven\’t been the best for him, so his mission is to stage his comeback and finish the summer with enough money to play in the highest stakes games.