Dream Team Poker WSOP Video

I\’m of course looking forward to whatever Dream Team Poker\’s next event is … and plausibly defending Team Tao of Pokerati\’s title. Seriously, having played in three Dream Team tourneys now (winning one), and taken part as either a player or analyst (?) in a few other team-concept no-limit hold\’em freezeouts, I have some genuine strategy thoughts on this format … and fugk, just as much authority on it as Matt Parvis or Jamie Gold.

Anyhow, check out their rockin\’ new promotional vid from the WSOP team tournament … they\’ve got a few different musical varieties on their site and YouTube, but I liked this one best.

Starring Kenna James … with splash appearances by Lacey Jones, Liz Lieu, Jerry Yang, Dennis Phillips, Susie Isaacs, Alex Outhred, Barry Greenstein, David Williams, Evelyn Ng, Gavin Smith, Bryan Micon, Pam Brunson, Jose Canseco, et al.