Tons os news stories to blow through … John Caldwell can now say definitively that it takes the work of three men to replace him. But the poker news keeps beating. On this week\’s docket :
— everyone\’s abuzz about Rush Poker. Full Tilt seems to have come up with a catch-on concept that makes no bones about feeding the addiction in a way that seemingly takes multitabling to a whole new dimension. But will Hevad Khan ever be able to play?
— the new WSOP hygeine rule. Yuck. But does it affect strategy?
— and the Heartland Poker Tour flies in to town to pit Vegas locals against \”heartland\” tourists, bringing more action to Red Rock than Station Casinos coulda anticipated. My personal poker dreams re-crushed.
The Poker Beat
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NOTE: I plea the 5th against allegations that I may have been podcasting while intoxicated.