This isn\’t particularly new — has been out there since August — but it\’s the first I noticed … Zynga, the free Texas Hold\’em game on Facebook and MySpace and therefore one of the biggest online poker communities out there, apparently has bots growing out the ying-yang. And now, as of about a week ago, after some fixes and revisions, it\’s finally working well.
The code for it is publicly available on Google-code:
It\’s already had more than 88,000 downloads. If even just 1 percent of those are installed to fruition … well that\’s a lot of bots competing for your fake chips and theoretically feeding the imaginary rake.
And here\’s a rockin\’ video showing exactly how to install it.
Hmm, interesting. More confirmation that bots are a real issue, and will be a major factor in future online poker operations. Also kinda funny to think that bot armies are essentially being trained playing free poker … where they theoretically can eventually work their way up in stakes like a human player who gets better and better.