As much as we try to resist, about twice a year CardPlayer.com does something uniquely worthy of sending you to them. (See, their spade points up, ours points down … that\’s why we\’re generally not link-friends.) The first of 2010 come from Stephen Murphy\’s interview with Frank Fahrenkopf, president of the American Gaming Association. It\’s a great getting-to-know one of poker\’s most powerful potential allies in Washington DC … and he provides a solid explanation of where, from the Big Casinos perspective, all the current legislation, in DC and the various statehouses, stands.
First thing is that Fahrenkopf acknowledges the AGA has officially changed its position on online gambling. For years the folks at AmericanGaming.org were against, and more recently shifted to neutral. Now, overall, they can be chalked up as for. \”Open to the concept\” means they\’ll get behind it, so long as it\’s done the \”right\” way.
However, Fahrenkopf informs us, the AGA\’s voting membership is leaning more towards a state-based regulation model, and are maintaining a neutral stance on Barney Frank\’s federal bill specifically. Also, he acknowledges, there actually is a need for the UIGEA if we really want the safe, protected internet gaming that we all purport to be demanding.
Good stuff that you can\’t find anywhere else … and something that anyone following how the legislative framework that will shape poker\’s future is, er, taking shape … will want to read.