Every year at the WSOP, there are those \”working it\” who win, and those who lose … and plenty of us who have done both before and now do the bare minimum just to maintain and somehow stay in the game. Whether it\’s being media, flooring, dealing, executiving, whatever … it\’s not too different from what the full-time players have going on in their own poker pursuits.
One of the clear winners this year has been Tim Fiorvanti, aka @Tim00, aka \”Timtern\”. This WSOP youngster returned for his second Series to be a pathetically paid PokerRoad intern … and shortly into it got an additional gig as a pathetically paid Bluff Magazine writer. Nice!
Furthermore, while he hasn\’t exactly torn the game up, he has become a regular and respected player in Pokerati\’s 1/2 nl/plo @HardRockPoker. Thus, I was delighted to see him take-it-down further, throwing projectiles from press row to earn proper respect from Pauly, Benjo, and even the real professor, Shamus, who showed even gray-haired academics aren\’t afraid to put it all on the line against any young or not-so-young poker challengers.
Episode 41: Small Balls
[audio:tao/TOP_W10_41_SmallBalls.mp3]Sometime after midnight, we let it all hang out with the gang in the press box who engage in a silly, yet innocuous throwing-things prop bet that began with Pauly and a single piece of wadded up paper. Before everyone knew it, Benjo, Shamus, and ten other bored members of the press (both foreign and domestic) were joining the fray. Degen prop betting often keeps the free press sane during those late night insane hours, as Tim the Intern took down the inaugural Small Ball Cup.