As a woman who began playing poker in the early 90’s on the smoky Riverboats of Louisiana, I was almost always the only woman at the table and often the only woman in the poker room. Other than my weekly friendly game, the Mirage poker room in Las Vegas (before the Bellagio opened) was the only time I played with other women. It wasn’t always easy being the only woman in the game. Nor was it easy being excluded from a friendly game that instituted a No Vagina Rule because some new fish didn’t want his wife to play. While sexist remarks at the poker table were uncomfortable at times, I’ve also seen cheating, robberies, fights, guns, racism, and five of nine opponents having a piece of each others action.
Of the four WSOP Ladies events in which I’ve played, I paid for one and was backed in three. Had I been given the choice to choose the event… it certainly wouldn’t have been the Ladies event. It’s not that I’m unsupportive of the Ladies event; yet, I’m not exactly supportive of it either. Reason being, who am I to say what someone should do with their time and money? Who am I to persuade another’s belief? Yet, sometimes I can’t help myself to reverse the role and think… as a woman, how would I feel if there were a Men\’s-only event and no Ladies event? And so, I ponder the annual WSOP gender dilemma, not forming strong opinions one way or the other, but with some basic, recurring thoughts that to me seem like matters of common sense:
- Gender Specific Events: It’s only equal that men are given their own event held at the same time with the same buy-in, structure, extra prizes and treatment. If men are unable to play with their own gender, then they’re being singled out. Sorry to burst any bubbles but if men aren’t afforded the same opportunity…then we’re hypocrites and the Ladies event should be dissolved.
- Dissenting Opinions: As they say in Texas, opinions are like assholes … everyone\’s got one. Chastising other’s opinions is expecting someone else to comply with our own view. That’s not equality, it’s not freedom to choose. It’s a childish tantrum of needing to be right. Last time I checked, the WSOP wasn’t located in a Communist country. And this gender crap is turning into a narcissistic dictatorship over a piece of jewelry. A good friend of mine always asked me…do you want to be right or do you want to be happy? I won’t bore you with details on my own happiness, but I will tell you that I heard a lot of unhappy complaining this weekend.
- Men Playing the Ladies Event: Seems to me if you want change then go through the appropriate corporate channels. It’s quite simple, either be part of the solution or be part of the problem. Now we have drama, potential legal issues and remind me again… was someone seriously injured?
- Generation Gaps: I’m Generation X, raised with guys who knew they would compete with me in many areas of life. My grandmother…not so much. While my mother paid for her own country club membership and had to fight for the right to play golf on Men Only Tuesday, I know my grandmother wouldn’t have done the same. If I accept older generations to be set in their ways, why not on the felt?
- The Transition Tournament: Just like relationships, transitional situations can hinder us. The best way to truly grow in poker is experience. How is it possible to become comfortable playing with men if you don’t actually play with men? The only evolution possible here is if women are afraid of dealers, cards and tournament directors.
- Rude Behavior: If we support women playing their very own special event because men make them uncomfortable…then what do we do about the women who humiliated the men? Sure, some of the attention seeking men relished in the short lived stardom, but I’m not so sure I can support women humiliating others regardless of what they have done. Period. Maybe we should ask 300 men to do the exact same thing to a woman when she’s eliminated from an open event. I mean, this is almost like punching a man in the face and when he hits back…play victim. If we’re fighting for equality, then no one should be humiliated.
Everyone has their own path to follow. Some take longer than others to progress. It’s insulting to assume women who play the Ladies event are incapable of thinking for themselves or are less skilled players so in the end…live and let live because trial and error is a priceless education. It’s unfortunate that so much of what I’ve read and heard makes me wonder if anyone is aware of what’s going on in the world outside the Rio. But, since it’s late and I’m deliriously tired (after just a brief couple stints at the WSOP) I will take this opportunity to say this…It was experiencing the male poker bullies who inevitably made my comfort level what it is today. So, I’d like to say…thank you, assholes.
Old-school Pokerati writer Michele Lewis has also written for Bluff Magazine and Wicked Chops Poker, and can be found regularly on MicheleLewis.com. She\’s cashed in three open WSOP events and one where no men played.