This has little to do with poker, but kinda fun to see one of \”our guys\” — Al D\’Amato standing up to his grand old party, which as we know, hasn\’t exactly flocked in support of online gambling legislation, despite its compatibility with Tea Party principles on personal freedom, sensible government, and fiscal responsibility.
Check out former Senator Al D\’Amato (R-NY) on Fox News … sitting around a table that would actually make a pretty cool set for a poker show … with Republican strategist Jack Burkman the online qualifier, joining the live action via the internet and Full Tilt Poker. It doesn\’t take long for Burkman to become BurkVillain when he gets tied up in a hand with our hero, D\’Amato …
With host Eric Bolling is in the little blind, Burkman opens the betting with a 3x rant about federal waste at the post office, placed in the pot with curiously racist undertones in the chat box about Ethiopian and Nigerian immigrants being \”bottom of the barrel\” in unskilled labor and therefore better suited for driving cabs than holding government employ …
D\’Amato is next to act and just calls … eschewing the anti-East African \”name calling\” before acknowledging what he believes to be otherwise valid points. But then attorney Tamara Holder, in late position, raises … calling Burkvillain \”racist\” … yee … moderator Eric Bolling gets out of the way … back around to D\’Amato, he re-raises, echoing Holder\’s allegations of racism, and then ripping an expletive-loaded tirade, on uncensored daytime TV no less, chastising his supposed colleague for views that hurt their shared Conservative cause.
Regardless of where you stand on post offices and cab selection, way to go, Al!
In the relatively small school of outspoken American political elders (Gingrich, Carter, Cheney, Clinton, Armey, et Al) D\’Amato\’s our voice, championing matters of long-reaching political direction, as seem with the fight for postal budget reform and the right of Americans to play a good clean game of WCOOP wherever they damn well please!